Fire Emblem Heroes – Choose Your Legends Event
Rank | Name Title | Votes |
301 | Perceval The Binding Blade | 677 |
302 | Stefan Radiant Dawn | 675 |
303 | Tormod Radiant Dawn | 668 |
304 | Sonia The Blazing Blade | 665 |
305 | Echidna The Binding Blade | 662 |
306 | Louise The Blazing Blade | 659 |
307 | Karla The Blazing Blade | 653 |
308 | Oscar Path of Radiance | 652 |
309 | Leanne Path of Radiance | 649 |
310 | Gwendolyn The Binding Blade | 648 |
311 | Aran Radiant Dawn | 648 |
312 | Hayato Fates | 644 |
313 | Mordecai Path of Radiance | 635 |
314 | Moulder The Sacred Stones | 635 |
315 | Julia Genealogy of the Holy War | 624 |
316 | Linde Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 622 |
317 | Valter The Sacred Stones | 619 |
318 | Selena The Sacred Stones | 619 |
319 | Caineghis Radiant Dawn | 616 |
320 | Franz The Sacred Stones | 615 |
321 | Boyd Path of Radiance | 614 |
322 | Pelleas Radiant Dawn | 608 |
323 | Heather Radiant Dawn | 599 |
324 | Draug Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 599 |
325 | Oswin The Blazing Blade | 598 |
326 | Athos The Blazing Blade | 591 |
327 | Sheena Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 590 |
328 | Boyd Radiant Dawn | 587 |
329 | Arete Fates | 579 |
330 | Zihark Path of Radiance | 577 |
331 | Laurent Awakening | 577 |
332 | Nagi Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 573 |
333 | Ares Genealogy of the Holy War | 564 |
334 | Forde The Sacred Stones | 563 |
335 | Sue The Binding Blade | 562 |
336 | Stefan Path of Radiance | 550 |
337 | Erinys Genealogy of the Holy War | 545 |
338 | Melady The Binding Blade | 545 |
339 | Azelle Genealogy of the Holy War | 542 |
340 | Hugh The Binding Blade | 538 |
341 | Shannan Genealogy of the Holy War | 531 |
342 | Naesala Path of Radiance | 528 |
343 | Gordin Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 526 |
344 | Palla Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 524 |
345 | Anna Radiant Dawn | 523 |
346 | Sanaki Path of Radiance | 520 |
347 | Reyson Path of Radiance | 520 |
348 | Sumeragi Fates | 520 |
349 | Iago Fates | 518 |
350 | Tethys The Sacred Stones | 518 |
351 | Marcia Radiant Dawn | 517 |
352 | Meg Radiant Dawn | 516 |
353 | Julian Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 515 |
354 | Volke Path of Radiance | 501 |
355 | Deirdre Genealogy of the Holy War | 492 |
356 | Lucia Path of Radiance | 491 |
357 | Cain Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 491 |
358 | Tine Genealogy of the Holy War | 490 |
359 | Rolf Path of Radiance | 482 |
360 | Rhys Path of Radiance | 476 |
361 | Chad The Binding Blade | 475 |
362 | Merlinus The Blazing Blade | 474 |
363 | Dart The Blazing Blade | 470 |
364 | Sothe Path of Radiance | 469 |
365 | Ethlyn Genealogy of the Holy War | 465 |
366 | Ashnard Path of Radiance | 465 |
367 | Reyson Radiant Dawn | 462 |
368 | Lyre Radiant Dawn | 460 |
369 | Siegbert Fates | 459 |
370 | Gordin Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 456 |
371 | Hawkeye The Blazing Blade | 456 |
372 | Etzel Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 452 |
373 | Patty Genealogy of the Holy War | 448 |
374 | Wallace The Blazing Blade | 442 |
375 | Camus Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 440 |
376 | Yen'fay Awakening | 436 |
377 | Rolf Radiant Dawn | 434 |
378 | Marty Thracia 776 | 433 |
379 | Kieran Path of Radiance | 431 |
380 | Ulster Genealogy of the Holy War | 430 |
381 | Yune Radiant Dawn | 428 |
382 | Rainbow Sage Fates | 428 |
383 | Candace Fates | 426 |
384 | Lex Genealogy of the Holy War | 426 |
385 | Validar Awakening | 425 |
386 | Geoffrey Radiant Dawn | 422 |
387 | Natasha The Sacred Stones | 421 |
388 | Marcus The Blazing Blade | 414 |
389 | Nanna Thracia 776 | 412 |
390 | Duessel The Sacred Stones | 412 |
391 | Vyland Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 409 |
392 | Jeorge Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 404 |
393 | Leonardo Radiant Dawn | 398 |
394 | Dozla The Sacred Stones | 397 |
395 | Malice Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 397 |
396 | Elice Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 392 |
397 | Ced Thracia 776 | 380 |
398 | Hisame Fates | 378 |
399 | Zola Fates | 375 |
400 | Kris (female) Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 373 |
401 | Percy Fates | 373 |
402 | Lena Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 372 |
403 | Norne Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 371 |
404 | Sephiran Radiant Dawn | 367 |
405 | Guinivere The Blazing Blade | 367 |
406 | Amy Radiant Dawn | 364 |
407 | Michalis Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 354 |
408 | Hardin Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 352 |
409 | Julius Genealogy of the Holy War | 349 |
410 | Lowen The Blazing Blade | 349 |
411 | Noah The Binding Blade | 347 |
412 | Tormod Path of Radiance | 347 |
413 | Delthea Gaiden | 346 |
414 | Caineghis Path of Radiance | 345 |
415 | Xane Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 344 |
416 | Clarisse Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 335 |
417 | Wrys Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 333 |
418 | Nyna Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 331 |
419 | Sara Thracia 776 | 330 |
420 | Dew Genealogy of the Holy War | 326 |
421 | Petrine Path of Radiance | 325 |
422 | Sigrun Radiant Dawn | 323 |
423 | Igrene The Binding Blade | 322 |
424 | Astrid Radiant Dawn | 321 |
425 | Merlinus The Binding Blade | 318 |
426 | Ashera Radiant Dawn | 316 |
427 | Eliwood The Binding Blade | 316 |
428 | Oscar Radiant Dawn | 315 |
429 | Mathilda Gaiden | 313 |
430 | Laura Radiant Dawn | 312 |
431 | Yukimura Fates | 310 |
432 | Ismaire The Sacred Stones | 308 |
433 | Zeiss The Binding Blade | 308 |
434 | Lance The Binding Blade | 303 |
435 | Ephidel The Blazing Blade | 301 |
436 | Cath The Binding Blade | 300 |
437 | Harken The Blazing Blade | 299 |
438 | Janaff Path of Radiance | 299 |
439 | Nolan Radiant Dawn | 297 |
440 | Muarim Path of Radiance | 295 |
441 | Altena Genealogy of the Holy War | 294 |
442 | Lorenz Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 292 |
443 | Saul The Binding Blade | 290 |
444 | Alen The Binding Blade | 290 |
445 | Anna Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 287 |
446 | Zelgius Path of Radiance | 286 |
447 | Linus The Blazing Blade | 284 |
448 | Gatrie Radiant Dawn | 282 |
449 | Gharnef Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 281 |
450 | Brunnya The Binding Blade | 280 |
451 | Gatrie Path of Radiance | 280 |
452 | Asbel Thracia 776 | 279 |
453 | Muarim Radiant Dawn | 279 |
454 | Maria Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 278 |
455 | Sigrun Path of Radiance | 276 |
456 | Isadora The Blazing Blade | 274 |
457 | Galle The Binding Blade | 273 |
458 | Hans Fates | 272 |
459 | Saleh The Sacred Stones | 272 |
460 | Nichol Fates | 271 |
461 | Dorothy The Binding Blade | 271 |
462 | Bantu Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 270 |
463 | Karel The Binding Blade | 270 |
464 | Geese The Binding Blade | 267 |
465 | Vyland Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 266 |
466 | Naoise Genealogy of the Holy War | 262 |
467 | Nergal The Blazing Blade | 262 |
468 | Kyle The Sacred Stones | 262 |
469 | Arlen Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 261 |
470 | Klein The Binding Blade | 258 |
471 | Rhys Radiant Dawn | 258 |
472 | Chulainn Genealogy of the Holy War | 256 |
473 | Michalis Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 256 |
474 | Machyua Thracia 776 | 256 |
475 | Orson The Sacred Stones | 255 |
476 | Excellus Awakening | 254 |
477 | Radd Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 252 |
478 | Mordecai Radiant Dawn | 250 |
479 | Elena Path of Radiance | 250 |
480 | Kurthnaga Radiant Dawn | 247 |
481 | Valbar Gaiden | 247 |
482 | Kieran Radiant Dawn | 246 |
483 | Brom Path of Radiance | 245 |
484 | Jamke Genealogy of the Holy War | 245 |
485 | Castor Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 244 |
486 | Skrimir Radiant Dawn | 244 |
487 | Glen The Sacred Stones | 242 |
488 | Zeke Gaiden | 240 |
489 | Osian Thracia 776 | 240 |
490 | Kliff Gaiden | 239 |
491 | Miranda Thracia 776 | 238 |
492 | Sin The Binding Blade | 237 |
493 | Norne Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 236 |
494 | Lara Thracia 776 | 233 |
495 | Marcus The Binding Blade | 232 |
496 | Travant Genealogy of the Holy War | 232 |
497 | Ogier The Binding Blade | 232 |
498 | Tanith Path of Radiance | 230 |
499 | Fee Genealogy of the Holy War | 228 |
500 | Hardin Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 228 |
501 | Bartre The Blazing Blade | 228 |
502 | Guinivere The Binding Blade | 227 |
503 | Fuga Fates | 225 |
504 | Carrion Thracia 776 | 224 |
505 | Linoan Thracia 776 | 223 |
506 | Athena Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 223 |
507 | Devdan Path of Radiance | 223 |
508 | Brom Radiant Dawn | 221 |
509 | Ashunera Radiant Dawn | 221 |
510 | Draug Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 220 |
511 | Geitz The Blazing Blade | 219 |
512 | Legion Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 218 |
513 | Febail Genealogy of the Holy War | 217 |
514 | Est Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 217 |
515 | Etzel Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 214 |
516 | Ignatius Fates | 214 |
517 | Fiona Radiant Dawn | 212 |
518 | Nagi Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 211 |
519 | Syrene The Sacred Stones | 208 |
520 | Rennac The Sacred Stones | 206 |
521 | Bors The Binding Blade | 205 |
522 | Silvia Genealogy of the Holy War | 203 |
523 | Catria Gaiden | 202 |
524 | Sedgar Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 201 |
525 | Julian Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 200 |
526 | Lana Genealogy of the Holy War | 199 |
527 | Frey Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 197 |
528 | Phina Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 196 |
529 | Trec The Binding Blade | 192 |
530 | Wolf Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 187 |
531 | Janaff Radiant Dawn | 187 |
532 | Cecil Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 186 |
533 | Nanna Genealogy of the Holy War | 184 |
534 | Jagen Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 183 |
535 | Bord Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 180 |
536 | Lifis Thracia 776 | 179 |
537 | Wendell Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 178 |
538 | Dheginsea Radiant Dawn | 174 |
539 | Abel Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 173 |
540 | Midir Genealogy of the Holy War | 173 |
541 | Caellach The Sacred Stones | 171 |
542 | Silque Gaiden | 169 |
543 | Karin Thracia 776 | 168 |
544 | Cord Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 168 |
545 | Sonya Gaiden | 167 |
546 | Niime The Binding Blade | 167 |
547 | Misha Thracia 776 | 166 |
548 | Eyvel Thracia 776 | 165 |
549 | Oifey Genealogy of the Holy War | 165 |
550 | Elen The Binding Blade | 162 |
551 | Yuliya Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 161 |
552 | Geoffrey Path of Radiance | 161 |
553 | Barst Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 160 |
554 | Jake Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 160 |
555 | Bartre The Binding Blade | 159 |
556 | Brigid Genealogy of the Holy War | 158 |
557 | Kempf Thracia 776 | 157 |
558 | Saber Gaiden | 156 |
559 | Shiva Thracia 776 | 155 |
560 | Saias Thracia 776 | 155 |
561 | Roshea Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 154 |
562 | Douglas The Binding Blade | 152 |
563 | Galzus Thracia 776 | 152 |
564 | Largo Path of Radiance | 150 |
565 | Rafiel Radiant Dawn | 149 |
566 | Samuel Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 148 |
567 | Kamui Gaiden | 147 |
568 | Jarod Radiant Dawn | 146 |
569 | Lukas Gaiden | 146 |
570 | Renault The Blazing Blade | 143 |
571 | Lene Genealogy of the Holy War | 143 |
572 | Tanya Thracia 776 | 143 |
573 | Kyza Radiant Dawn | 142 |
574 | Matthis Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 142 |
575 | Alec Genealogy of the Holy War | 142 |
576 | Ryan Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 141 |
577 | Beowolf Genealogy of the Holy War | 141 |
578 | Astram Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 140 |
579 | Danved Radiant Dawn | 140 |
580 | Horace Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 139 |
581 | Boey Gaiden | 138 |
582 | Arran Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 138 |
583 | Tauroneo Radiant Dawn | 137 |
584 | Reinhardt Thracia 776 | 137 |
585 | Castor Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 136 |
586 | Genny Gaiden | 135 |
587 | Ena Path of Radiance | 135 |
588 | Jubelo Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 135 |
589 | Maria Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 134 |
590 | Ronan Thracia 776 | 133 |
591 | Calill Path of Radiance | 132 |
592 | Mae Gaiden | 131 |
593 | Makalov Path of Radiance | 131 |
594 | Larum The Binding Blade | 131 |
595 | Caesar Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 130 |
596 | Darros Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 130 |
597 | Tanith Radiant Dawn | 129 |
598 | Calill Radiant Dawn | 129 |
599 | Elice Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 127 |
600 | Sedgar Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 127 |
601 | Vaida The Blazing Blade | 126 |
602 | Eremiya Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 126 |
603 | Clair Gaiden | 124 |
604 | Nasir Path of Radiance | 124 |
605 | Gareth Radiant Dawn | 122 |
606 | Lena Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 121 |
607 | Aimee Radiant Dawn | 120 |
608 | Murdock The Binding Blade | 119 |
609 | Salem Thracia 776 | 118 |
610 | Ulki Radiant Dawn | 118 |
611 | Barthe The Binding Blade | 117 |
612 | Nyna Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 115 |
613 | Eda Thracia 776 | 115 |
614 | Gray Gaiden | 115 |
615 | Ymir Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 114 |
616 | Muirne Genealogy of the Holy War | 114 |
617 | Marisha Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 110 |
618 | Bastian Radiant Dawn | 110 |
619 | Annand Genealogy of the Holy War | 109 |
620 | Juno The Binding Blade | 108 |
621 | Ulki Path of Radiance | 108 |
622 | Medeus Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 107 |
623 | Ilios Thracia 776 | 106 |
624 | Reptor Genealogy of the Holy War | 106 |
625 | Diarmuid Genealogy of the Holy War | 105 |
626 | Fado The Sacred Stones | 104 |
627 | Zephiel The Blazing Blade | 104 |
628 | Hannibal Genealogy of the Holy War | 104 |
629 | Luthier Gaiden | 104 |
630 | Samson Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 102 |
631 | Halvan Thracia 776 | 102 |
632 | Midia Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 102 |
633 | Caesar Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 102 |
634 | Arion Genealogy of the Holy War | 101 |
635 | Daisy Genealogy of the Holy War | 101 |
636 | Lorenz Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 100 |
637 | Andrey Genealogy of the Holy War | 100 |
638 | Kurthnaga Path of Radiance | 99 |
639 | Est Gaiden | 98 |
640 | Iucharba Genealogy of the Holy War | 98 |
641 | Tobin Gaiden | 97 |
642 | Palla Gaiden | 97 |
643 | Nomah Gaiden | 97 |
644 | Bertram Path of Radiance | 97 |
645 | Dagdar Thracia 776 | 97 |
646 | Astram Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 97 |
647 | Beck Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 97 |
648 | Fergus Thracia 776 | 97 |
649 | Ena Radiant Dawn | 96 |
650 | Lang Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 96 |
651 | Rudolf Gaiden | 95 |
652 | Gotoh Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 94 |
653 | Almedha Radiant Dawn | 93 |
654 | Nasir Radiant Dawn | 93 |
655 | Iuchar Genealogy of the Holy War | 92 |
656 | Giffca Path of Radiance | 89 |
657 | Bord Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 88 |
658 | Giffca Radiant Dawn | 88 |
659 | Python Gaiden | 86 |
660 | Roshea Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 86 |
661 | Mycen Gaiden | 85 |
662 | Makalov Radiant Dawn | 85 |
663 | Renning Radiant Dawn | 85 |
664 | Est Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 84 |
665 | Elffin The Binding Blade | 83 |
666 | Boah Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 82 |
667 | Tauroneo Path of Radiance | 82 |
668 | Aida Genealogy of the Holy War | 82 |
669 | Dice Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 80 |
670 | Bastian Path of Radiance | 80 |
671 | Sephiran Path of Radiance | 80 |
672 | Bantu Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 78 |
673 | Gareth Path of Radiance | 76 |
674 | Hawk Genealogy of the Holy War | 75 |
675 | Linda Genealogy of the Holy War | 75 |
676 | Luke Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 75 |
677 | Clive Gaiden | 75 |
678 | Lombard Genealogy of the Holy War | 73 |
679 | Arran Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 73 |
680 | Matthis Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 72 |
681 | Dolph Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 72 |
682 | Wade The Binding Blade | 71 |
683 | Laylea Genealogy of the Holy War | 70 |
684 | Manfroy Genealogy of the Holy War | 70 |
685 | Roderick Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 69 |
686 | Radd Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 69 |
687 | Tomas Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 68 |
688 | Renning Path of Radiance | 68 |
689 | Tina Thracia 776 | 68 |
690 | Macellan Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 67 |
691 | Atlas Gaiden | 67 |
692 | Roger Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 66 |
693 | Homer Thracia 776 | 66 |
694 | Deen Gaiden | 65 |
695 | Creidne Genealogy of the Holy War | 65 |
696 | Cord Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 65 |
697 | Gharnef Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 65 |
698 | Horace Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 65 |
699 | Sandima Genealogy of the Holy War | 64 |
700 | Astolfo The Binding Blade | 64 |
701 | Shannam Thracia 776 | 63 |
702 | Rickard Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 63 |
703 | Perne Thracia 776 | 63 |
704 | Belf Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 62 |
705 | Medeus Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 62 |
706 | Brighton Thracia 776 | 61 |
707 | Ishtore Genealogy of the Holy War | 60 |
708 | Jahn The Binding Blade | 60 |
709 | Zelot The Binding Blade | 60 |
710 | Midia Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 60 |
711 | Tatiana Gaiden | 59 |
712 | Amalda Thracia 776 | 59 |
713 | Desaix Gaiden | 59 |
714 | Selphina Thracia 776 | 59 |
715 | Samson Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 58 |
716 | Kutuzov Genealogy of the Holy War | 58 |
717 | Alva Thracia 776 | 57 |
718 | Tomas Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 57 |
719 | Dheginsea Path of Radiance | 57 |
720 | Wendell Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 56 |
721 | Deen Thracia 776 | 56 |
722 | Xavier Thracia 776 | 55 |
723 | Cain Thracia 776 | 55 |
724 | Valtome Radiant Dawn | 55 |
725 | Forsyth Gaiden | 54 |
726 | Jeanne Genealogy of the Holy War | 54 |
727 | Ralf Thracia 776 | 53 |
728 | Leon Gaiden | 52 |
729 | Garret The Binding Blade | 52 |
730 | Yoder The Binding Blade | 52 |
731 | Frey Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 51 |
732 | Raydrik Thracia 776 | 50 |
733 | Roberto Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 50 |
734 | Tristan Genealogy of the Holy War | 50 |
735 | Jake Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 49 |
736 | Robert Thracia 776 | 48 |
737 | Riev The Sacred Stones | 48 |
738 | Warren Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 47 |
739 | Nealuchi Radiant Dawn | 47 |
740 | Largo Radiant Dawn | 46 |
741 | Reiden Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 46 |
742 | Veld Thracia 776 | 45 |
743 | Byron Genealogy of the Holy War | 45 |
744 | Nealuchi Path of Radiance | 45 |
745 | Safy Thracia 776 | 45 |
746 | Munnir Genealogy of the Holy War | 44 |
747 | Jesse Gaiden | 43 |
748 | Grieth Gaiden | 43 |
749 | Malledus Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 43 |
750 | Diarmuid Thracia 776 | 41 |
751 | Hicks Thracia 776 | 41 |
752 | Edain Genealogy of the Holy War | 41 |
753 | Claud Genealogy of the Holy War | 40 |
754 | Brian Genealogy of the Holy War | 40 |
755 | Dayan The Binding Blade | 39 |
756 | Rickard Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 39 |
757 | Muston Radiant Dawn | 39 |
758 | Jorge Radiant Dawn | 39 |
759 | Dalsin Thracia 776 | 39 |
760 | Gotoh Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 38 |
761 | Dolph Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 37 |
762 | Asaello Genealogy of the Holy War | 36 |
763 | Amid Genealogy of the Holy War | 36 |
764 | Fred Thracia 776 | 36 |
765 | Boah Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 36 |
766 | Coirpre Genealogy of the Holy War | 36 |
767 | Chagall Genealogy of the Holy War | 35 |
768 | Dalvin Genealogy of the Holy War | 35 |
769 | Hermina Genealogy of the Holy War | 34 |
770 | Izuka Radiant Dawn | 33 |
771 | Troude Thracia 776 | 33 |
772 | Hetzel Radiant Dawn | 33 |
773 | Hilda Genealogy of the Holy War | 32 |
774 | Lester Genealogy of the Holy War | 32 |
775 | Hayden The Sacred Stones | 30 |
776 | Sleuf Thracia 776 | 30 |
777 | Daniel Radiant Dawn | 29 |
778 | Frost Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 29 |
779 | Charlot Genealogy of the Holy War | 28 |
780 | Scipio Genealogy of the Holy War | 28 |
781 | Deimne Genealogy of the Holy War | 27 |
782 | Darros Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 27 |
783 | Cimbaeth Genealogy of the Holy War | 27 |
784 | Conomor Thracia 776 | 27 |
785 | Ymir Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 25 |
786 | Beck Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 22 |
787 | Roger Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 22 |
788 | Macellan Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 19 |
789 | Danann Genealogy of the Holy War | 18 |
790 | Bloom Genealogy of the Holy War | 18 |
791 | Glade Thracia 776 | 17 |
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