The top-ranked Heroes will appear in special Choose Your Legends outfits!
Rank | Name Title | Votes |
101 | Hector The Binding Blade | 2,419 |
102 | Lukas Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 2,414 |
103 | Gunnthrá Heroes | 2,407 |
104 | Effie Fates | 2,392 |
105 | Rath The Blazing Blade | 2,370 |
106 | Conrad Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 2,369 |
107 | Python Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 2,354 |
108 | L'Arachel The Sacred Stones | 2,338 |
109 | Tibarn Path of Radiance | 2,337 |
110 | Kana (male) Fates | 2,284 |
111 | Quan Genealogy of the Holy War | 2,239 |
112 | Pent The Blazing Blade | 2,239 |
113 | Mia Path of Radiance | 2,233 |
114 | Nyx Fates | 2,231 |
115 | Noire Awakening | 2,227 |
116 | Ross The Sacred Stones | 2,205 |
117 | Forrest Fates | 2,194 |
118 | Elincia Radiant Dawn | 2,151 |
119 | Inigo Awakening | 2,148 |
120 | Seliph Genealogy of the Holy War | 2,137 |
121 | Black Knight Path of Radiance | 2,117 |
122 | Nah Awakening | 2,116 |
123 | Cherche Awakening | 2,108 |
124 | Amelia The Sacred Stones | 2,098 |
125 | Nailah Radiant Dawn | 2,086 |
126 | Lyon The Sacred Stones | 2,080 |
127 | Lissa Awakening | 2,068 |
128 | Silas Fates | 2,032 |
129 | Jill Path of Radiance | 2,024 |
130 | Tana The Sacred Stones | 1,979 |
131 | Ilyana Path of Radiance | 1,975 |
132 | Naga Awakening | 1,965 |
133 | Anna Fates | 1,953 |
134 | Mila Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,953 |
135 | Erk The Blazing Blade | 1,912 |
136 | Knoll The Sacred Stones | 1,894 |
137 | Donnel Awakening | 1,876 |
138 | Caeldori Fates | 1,832 |
139 | Jill Radiant Dawn | 1,830 |
140 | Minerva Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,827 |
141 | Gaius Awakening | 1,827 |
142 | Leanne Radiant Dawn | 1,825 |
143 | Mikoto Fates | 1,787 |
144 | Black Knight Radiant Dawn | 1,778 |
145 | Katarina Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 1,750 |
146 | Julia Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,749 |
147 | Florina The Blazing Blade | 1,742 |
148 | Silque Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,720 |
149 | Emmeryn Awakening | 1,713 |
150 | Sonya Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,706 |
151 | Idunn The Binding Blade | 1,697 |
152 | Camus Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,684 |
153 | Finn Thracia 776 | 1,655 |
154 | Selena Fates | 1,650 |
155 | Linde Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,643 |
156 | Eldigan Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,621 |
157 | Tiki Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 1,574 |
158 | Zelgius Radiant Dawn | 1,568 |
159 | Rutger The Binding Blade | 1,561 |
160 | Sain The Blazing Blade | 1,555 |
161 | Greil Path of Radiance | 1,550 |
162 | Soren Radiant Dawn | 1,545 |
163 | Mae Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,534 |
164 | Leif Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,528 |
165 | Seth The Sacred Stones | 1,524 |
166 | Orochi Fates | 1,516 |
167 | Gerome Awakening | 1,513 |
168 | Ilyana Radiant Dawn | 1,510 |
169 | Larcei Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,508 |
170 | Lucius The Blazing Blade | 1,502 |
171 | Athos The Blazing Blade | 1,499 |
172 | Peri Fates | 1,483 |
173 | Oboro Fates | 1,479 |
174 | Catria Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,479 |
175 | Reyson Path of Radiance | 1,468 |
176 | Jaffar The Blazing Blade | 1,456 |
177 | Sophia The Binding Blade | 1,436 |
178 | Fir The Binding Blade | 1,434 |
179 | Libra Awakening | 1,434 |
180 | Scarlet Fates | 1,417 |
181 | Hana Fates | 1,413 |
182 | Rhajat Fates | 1,406 |
183 | Finn Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,403 |
184 | Guy The Blazing Blade | 1,400 |
185 | Dorcas The Blazing Blade | 1,372 |
186 | Sanaki Radiant Dawn | 1,371 |
187 | Lachesis Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,368 |
188 | Setsuna Fates | 1,366 |
189 | Shinon Radiant Dawn | 1,361 |
190 | Beruka Fates | 1,357 |
191 | Say'ri Awakening | 1,344 |
192 | Nina Fates | 1,342 |
193 | Walhart Awakening | 1,335 |
194 | Anankos Fates | 1,325 |
195 | Catria Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,316 |
196 | Elincia Path of Radiance | 1,291 |
197 | Reina Fates | 1,291 |
198 | Dwyer Fates | 1,291 |
199 | Legault The Blazing Blade | 1,276 |
200 | Gerik The Sacred Stones | 1,274 |
201 | Leila The Blazing Blade | 1,270 |
202 | Clair Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,270 |
203 | Lethe Radiant Dawn | 1,269 |
204 | Frederick Awakening | 1,268 |
205 | Kris (male) Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 1,260 |
206 | Tatiana Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,245 |
207 | Cynthia Awakening | 1,240 |
208 | Selena The Sacred Stones | 1,236 |
209 | Naesala Radiant Dawn | 1,231 |
210 | Mozu Fates | 1,226 |
211 | Priam Awakening | 1,214 |
212 | Brigand Boss Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,214 |
213 | Shanna The Binding Blade | 1,200 |
214 | Navarre Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,188 |
215 | Yarne Awakening | 1,182 |
216 | Tethys The Sacred Stones | 1,167 |
217 | Ced Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,125 |
218 | Caineghis Radiant Dawn | 1,121 |
219 | Haar Path of Radiance | 1,113 |
220 | Leanne Path of Radiance | 1,106 |
221 | Luthier Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,106 |
222 | Edward Radiant Dawn | 1,103 |
223 | Volke Radiant Dawn | 1,094 |
224 | Jakob Fates | 1,082 |
225 | Laslow Fates | 1,070 |
226 | Shigure Fates | 1,061 |
227 | Arvis Genealogy of the Holy War | 1,058 |
228 | Mareeta Thracia 776 | 1,043 |
229 | Nagi Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 1,041 |
230 | Lugh The Binding Blade | 1,038 |
231 | Zeke Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 1,034 |
232 | Lucia Radiant Dawn | 1,028 |
233 | Sirius Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 1,024 |
234 | Miriel Awakening | 1,011 |
235 | Ewan The Sacred Stones | 1,010 |
236 | Kellam Awakening | 1,003 |
237 | Ashnard Path of Radiance | 983 |
238 | Ricken Awakening | 982 |
239 | Dieck The Binding Blade | 980 |
240 | Raven The Blazing Blade | 978 |
241 | Gregor Awakening | 968 |
242 | Flavia Awakening | 967 |
243 | Julius Genealogy of the Holy War | 963 |
244 | Astrid Path of Radiance | 959 |
245 | Xane Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 955 |
246 | Ursula The Blazing Blade | 952 |
247 | Reyson Radiant Dawn | 947 |
248 | Caeda Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 939 |
249 | Ogma Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 936 |
250 | Leon Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 930 |
251 | Limstella The Blazing Blade | 928 |
252 | Sothe Radiant Dawn | 927 |
253 | Titania Path of Radiance | 925 |
254 | Gilliam The Sacred Stones | 918 |
255 | Deirdre Genealogy of the Holy War | 916 |
256 | Matthew The Blazing Blade | 912 |
257 | Shinon Path of Radiance | 912 |
258 | Klein The Binding Blade | 911 |
259 | Finn Genealogy of the Holy War | 911 |
260 | Arete Fates | 902 |
261 | Olwen Thracia 776 | 898 |
262 | Karla The Blazing Blade | 884 |
263 | Fiora The Blazing Blade | 883 |
264 | Midori Fates | 874 |
265 | Gonzalez The Binding Blade | 857 |
266 | Shannan Genealogy of the Holy War | 852 |
267 | Colm The Sacred Stones | 847 |
268 | Nyna Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 846 |
269 | Naesala Path of Radiance | 844 |
270 | Forsyth Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 839 |
271 | Volug Radiant Dawn | 839 |
272 | Subaki Fates | 839 |
273 | Caineghis Path of Radiance | 833 |
274 | Cecilia The Binding Blade | 825 |
275 | Saber Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 807 |
276 | Lot The Binding Blade | 802 |
277 | Catria Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 801 |
278 | Vika Radiant Dawn | 799 |
279 | Innes The Sacred Stones | 794 |
280 | Mist Radiant Dawn | 794 |
281 | Benny Fates | 786 |
282 | Heath The Blazing Blade | 774 |
283 | Sonia The Blazing Blade | 771 |
284 | Lloyd The Blazing Blade | 768 |
285 | Meg Radiant Dawn | 767 |
286 | Sue The Binding Blade | 766 |
287 | Odin Fates | 764 |
288 | Michalis Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 764 |
289 | Neimi The Sacred Stones | 763 |
290 | Sumeragi Fates | 754 |
291 | Serra The Blazing Blade | 750 |
292 | Altena Genealogy of the Holy War | 744 |
293 | Linde Mystery of the Emblem / New Mystery of the Emblem | 742 |
294 | Wolf Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Shadow Dragon | 741 |
295 | Kiragi Fates | 733 |
296 | Palla Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 729 |
297 | Duessel The Sacred Stones | 720 |
298 | Mitama Fates | 714 |
299 | Basilio Awakening | 711 |
300 | Valbar Gaiden / Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | 710 |
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Details for Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends 2
The Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends: Round 2 event is a celebration of the one-year anniversary of the release of Fire Emblem Heroes.